Design Voices
Design Voices è il podcast ufficiale del Salone Del Mobile 2022: 6 episodi che raccontano gli highlights giornalieri della fiera attraverso le voci più influenti e importanti del panorama creativo internazionale, e 12 puntate esclusive con interviste ed ospiti.

Design Voices
Salone Del Mobile
Design Voices è il podcast ufficiale del Salone Del Mobile 2022: 6 episodi che raccontano gli highlights giornalieri della fiera attraverso le voci più influenti e importanti del panorama creativo internazionale, e 12 puntate esclusive con interviste ed ospiti.
Roberto Palomba - That's why I'm a lucky designer
Life is like an onion, and its every layer represents the values we want to be associated with. That’s the underlying belief behind the career and life of Roberto Palomba, Italian architect and designer and founder with Ludovica Serafini of the ps+a design studio. From growing up in the city of Cagliari, on the island of Sardinia, to working for an iconic luxury brand to renovating an old palace in the south of Italy in Puglia, one thing is very clear to Roberto: being remembered for the values and quality of your job is more important than for its style and its fashion.
Beatrice Leanza - Portrait of a Transformer
Put Design in action! This is Beatrice Leanza’s belief. She is a cultural manager and strategist who draws on her wide international experience in creating connections between creatives, institutions and public.
Bryan Young and Marius Myking - Can we come over to your studio?
Design, as a creative process, isn’t just the result of the ideas of a single person: it’s a collaborative experience that needs and gathers the expertise of many. Bryan Young, an architect interested in product design, and Marius Myking, a furniture product designer working in an architecture firm, open us the doors to their studios , showing us their practices and methods of research.
Daan Roosegaarde - Never say “Yes, but”
There’s always a surprising attitude in human behaviour, a resistance to change even in front of the evidence of climate change, for instance: the role of Design is to stimulate a shift of perspective using the tool of beauty. Daan Roosegaarde is an enthusiastic designer and an engaging creative thinker whose work contributes to a new social awareness.
Luca Nichetto and Aric Chen - Rethink!
Collaboration, storytelling, future of Design and sustainability: these are the words at the core of the conversation between designer Luca Nichetto and Aric Chen director of Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam. They contribute to the discussion bringing all their international experiences to the table.
Omer Polak - A world of imagination
Can Design play a role in social awareness? Omer Polak, whose cultural roots wander between Tel Aviv and Berlin, is an eclectic designer and artist: he plays with materials and technologies and investigates the audience’s reactions through the sensory experience: his aim is “to make people think”.
Salone Satellite - A global community
Salone Satellite is a citadel inside Salone del Mobile, a crossroad where more than 600 young creatives, coming from 48 different countries, can discuss and showcase their ideas and projects around the issues of sustainability and inclusivity. It was amazing to know some of them, coming from different roots and experiences but with a clear vision about the future: the Design community can help society to break down social and cultural barriers and can contribute to produce well living in a more sustainable way.
Let’s meet the curator Myles Igwebuike and the winners of Salone Satellite Award Lani Adeoye (First Prize) Gilles Werbrouck (Second Prize) Djurdja Garčević (Third Prize) Rasmus Palmgren and Emanuele Ferraro (Special Mentions).
Richard Hutten and Stefan Scholten - Back to 90’s: once upon a time at Salone del Mobile
When has Eindhoven transformed into the international famous centre of the Design Academy that we know today? And how was Salone del Mobile years ago? Richard Hutten and Stefan Scholten play with memories and bring us back to the time they were two young designers and part of a large community.
Francesca Lanzavecchia - Touch it
Put your hands on the objects, touch and play with them, feel comfortable: Francesca Lanzavecchia offers us her playful approach to Design.
Naoto Fukasawa - Happiness
All human beings create an unconscious relationship with the environment and the objects around them, claims Naoto Fukasawa. The role of the designer is to observe that interaction and to create objects that will make people happier.
Yves Behar and Jakob Lange - Space travels and free energy
Yves Behar and Jakob Lange share many passions: from skiing to a deep trust in new technologies and science. Sustainability is their motto because, as designers and architects, they can “imagine the world we would love to live in.
Inga Sempé - A story of spoons, risotto and flea markets
French designer Inga Sempé keeps an international profile but considers Italy “the country of hope”, certainly because of its historical and cultural heritage, but also because of the quality a creative can find there.
Day 6 - What’s next?
Design is a way of thinking. From the processes of production to the inclusion of global cultures, how will design be more and more sustainable in the future? Let’s hear the young and innovative voices coming from Salone Satellite. A pleasure to meet the winners of Salone Satellite Award Lani Adeoye (First Prize), Gilles Werbrouck (Second Prize); Djurdja Garčević (Third Prize), Rasmus Palmgren and Emanuele Ferraro (Special Mentions) and welcome to Myles Igwebuike.
Day 5 - Challenges
The times we are living in push the Designers to rethink the approach to their creations: what can they change in practice? Can they make a social impact? The community gathered here at Salone del Mobile is looking for answers for a sustainable future. Welcome to Roberto Palomba and Beatrice Leanza.
Day 4 - Happy people
Designers have the power to change society: if they are happy, curious and open-minded they can make the world happier with the objects they create. Welcome to Naoto Fukasawa and Luca Nichetto with Aric Chen.
Day 3 - Beauty: a strategy for change
One of the goals for the Designers at Salone del Mobile is to touch the result of their creativity, after all: either if it’s an object or a solution to counteract climate change. Welcome to Francesca Lanzavecchia and Daan Roosegaarde.
Day 2 - A large community
So nice being here to meet old friends we were missing so long but it’s time to create new connections for sharing ideas and knowledges. Could be the designers the glue? Welcome to Yves Behar with Jakob Lange and Marius Myking with Bryan Young.
Day 1 - Gates opening
The gates of Salone del Mobile Milano just opened and the Pavilions reverberate the energy of voices coming from anywhere: let’s jump into the very first day of the fair and meet Maria Porro, Inga Sempé, Richard Hutten and Stefan Scholten.
We are back in Milano, the epicenter of Design, to celebrate together the 60th anniversary of Salone del Mobile, a milestone edition. Inclusion, Technology, Creativity and Economy are the keywords and we are here to meet the makers of this future. Follow us, we will introduce you the leading players in the design world: the Design Voices. We’ll release daily highlights with the best of on-ground buzz and extended interviews with the most important creatives involved. Let’s #thinkNEXT with the Design Voices, welcome to our podcast from Salone del Mobile.